In an ultra sound during the last week they estimated the baby's weight at close to ten pounds. Since Shaws have a history of large babies the doctor decided to induce on the 31st if she hadn't already started into labor. We decided to leave early that Thursday morning and figured it would still give us time to arrive before the baby. Long story short, they tried three acupuncture treatments, two dispenses of Cervidil and administered Pitocin most of the day. By late Thursday night it was clear nothing was happening. The doctor said if there was no action by morning she would send her home for the weekend and see if something happened naturally. Other wise they would consider a C-Section on Monday or Tuesday at the latest. Her doctor was going to be out of town for the weekend.
We knew the last thing Chris and Erin needed with all the other stress was for two parents sitting around all weekend starting at them in the apartment while they waited. Thus, Friday mid day we climbed back in the car and headed back to Boise five and a half hours away. To our benefit, the roads had been good both directions. Only a little slushy in spots and muddy where they'd cleared a landslide (more on that later).
Sunday we awoke to a beautiful morning, and a phone call from Erin saying she'd started into labor and was headed for the hospital. So, with unpacked bags from the previous foray we threw things into the car and were off to Moscow in less than 36 hours from the last trip. Superbowl Sunday, are you kidding me Erin. Where on earth are your priorities. Deb reminded me when Erin first got pregnant, and we of course thought the Packers had a good chance of going to the Superbowl she had told the baby, any day but Superbowl Sunday.
We arrived as Beyonce was singing at halftime. The doctor came in just at the kick-off of the second half and said he was ready for Erin to start pushing. Shortly after the 108 yard second half opening run back by the Ravens for a score, the TV was turned off. We sat in the room and watched her push for two hours, Chris coaching and counting. But at the end of the two hours the doctor gave Erin some choices. She decided to go with a C-Section for less stress on the baby and on her.
At 8:56 PST on February 3rd 2013 Superbowl Sunday the doctor (a hockey teammate of Chris's) delivered an 8 lb 10 oz baby boy named Calder Christopher Murray. This is the twelfth grandchild, and we have two great grands. Yet for all the births I've attended (seven kids) the miracle of new life is still exactly that -- a miracle.
One simply cannot watch the birth of a baby and not be completely amazed at this creation of life. The coming together of this miracle in the womb, and for the nurturing by the mother over the nine month gestation and then to be there, to suddenly be a breathing, beautiful image of his parents. This is not circumstance! This is not a chance happening of this molecule and that coming together in some random fashion to produce life. This clearly is a creation of God!
And so Lord, we thank you for this new life, for the health of his mom and dad, and for once again allowing me to witness this great miracle only you can perform. Hey, and thanks for our safety on the road trips. A third of which Deb started again Wednesday the 6th to return and spend a week helping Erin when they came home from the hospital.
Kinda ironic! Two moms in the same household, caring gently for their first born children. Makes you feel kinda warm inside. Oh, and after two muddy road trips finally got the Tahoe into the car wash day before yesterday. Had to run it through twice. But, at least it snowed again here the next day. ;o)
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Chris -- Calder -- Erin |
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Dad holding Calder thirty minutes after delivery. |
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Gramma enjoying her first born's first born! |
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Papa enjoying the miracle of life! |
We love you Poppa!