For starters she had several suggestions on what and how to pack, but her greatest idea was to do a blog. Hence, "we" came up with 'On the Road w/ Mags' which I was to work on each evening at my destination. Well, the first day out was from Boise to Laramie, WY. I stopped on the way into town for dinner and when I arrived at the motel it was looking like rain, so unpacked the bike, put the cover on, and then started repacking everything based on the day's ride and where weight distribution needed to be. That finished, and having put just short of 700 miles under my belt I was ready for a hot shower and bed. So nothing was written down. (I'd been told to take the old clunker Toshiba laptop, but it was too heavy and there wasn't enough room.)
For the next 29 days I stayed with either family or friends. Guess what. When you get there you don't say, "Hey, you got a table where I can sit down and write my thoughts and experiences from today?" No, you get a cold beer or a glass of scotch and spend the night telling lies to each other, and getting numb.
By the time I returned home my Honey-Do list was so big I didn't have time to put the trip to paper. But I began trying to make a few blogs each year. Well, here we are five years down the road and it dawned on me I never did my trip.
It's kind of funny now. My original idea was that riding solo each day for 12 hours or so I'd have all these great thoughts and meanderings go through my head and I'd record them in the evening. Trying to recall those thoughts at the end of a month I realized most of them just meandered. However, now even five years later, there are still some great memories of the trip, and I hope to take another one in the next year or two (against mom's wishes). First I have to take her to Hawaii or to Jamaica, then I can hit the road again. Oops, I'm taking too long. Just since starting this blog she's now thrown in a trip to Wasilla to see our cousin. Anyway, back to the trip blog.
On the way into Wisconsin to attend my inlaw's 50th Wedding Anniversary, stopped and saw an olde friend Dud in Missouri. Then on to Cheese Country and an anniversary celebration for the folks.
Aunt Lucy was hoping for a ride on the Harley, but we thought a ride in a straight skirt would not be all that comfortable for her. Plus the helmet would crush her hair-do. What a willing sport she was though.
After the Anniversary party it was down to Orland Park, IL to my sister-in-law's home. And of course we had to get the family together to go to Milwaukee to the Harley-Davidson Museum. What a great day. Since I was heading on from there, I road the bike up and the family took a van.
Turns out one of our family friend's son from Wisconsin was employed there and was working the day we visited. Erin our daughter went to high school with him. So she asked if he was around and he came down to the desk and picked us up for a personal tour of the facility. Erin had also made arrangements for one of her best friends to drive to Milwaukee so they could meet while we were there. All in all it was a great day.
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