Went out to get the mail this afternoon, and as I'm sorting it out one popped out big and loud -- "The Feds Want You!" Well, it said that in so many words. Having made a typo on my State taxes I jumped when I read it then realized, "No that's State, not Feds." Quickly scanned the address and realized it was neither for Deb nor me, but rather for our daughter.
Okay, she's grown, married, has a son but they are still your kid and so your heart screams, "What now?" Oh, it's a request for Jury Duty. Shheeezzzz!!!!! Alright, we're good, we're really good! Thought maybe if I'd seen a request for jury duty previously I'd have realized what it was. But, as neither one of us have ever been called to even register for jury duty, it wasn't something I'd seen previously.
Now, having said that, am thinking maybe I should just erase this and leave the "sleeping dog be" but that's not in my nature. Besides, I'm at the point of working on my Bucket List, and Jury Duty is one of those things I've never done but wanted to do. NO! I'm not insane, but I am a product of the Quality/Six Sigma era and I believe I'd do a very credible job on a jury. For sure, the prosecution would need to without a doubt prove the individual guilty. So, if you are looking to go to court make sure they summon Mags!
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